Christmas Cards for Grandma (and Grandpa too!)

We're Bringing Holiday Cheer to our Nursing Homes

and we need your help!

Let's Help those Who need it the Most

The lockdowns and visitor restrictions meant to protect nursing home residents from the coronavirus has caused an overwhelming sense of loneliness, abandonment, and despair amongst the residents, causing many to lose the will to live.

To help reduce loneliness in our Nursing Homes, Readiscan is teaming up with Schools, Daycares, and anyone else that would like to join us, in a Christmas Card Drive.

What ReadiScan is Doing

ReadiScan is asking everyone in the Seattle area (schools, daycares, businesses, individuals) to join in on our Christmas Card Drive and are collecting the information from our nursing homes we need to make sure everyone gets a card.

We are collecting the cards the week of 12/14 and will deliver to our Nursing Homes the week of Christmas. We would love to partner with those outside of the Seattle area, if you are outside of the area and have the means to deliver cards your cards to your local Nursing Homes, please let us know, we would love to include as many Nursing Homes as possible.

What You Can Do

If you, your school, daycare, or business would like to join us, please sign up ASAP. We are asking for your business, school or daycare name and contact information and the number of cards you’ll be able to supply so we will know how many nursing homes we can include this year. Further information will be supplied once you are signed up.

I'll Help

When We're Doing It

All cards will need to be mailed or ready for pick up by 12/14.
Delivery to Nursing Homes will be the week of Christmas.


Thank You to Our Partners

They say it takes a village. And it truly does, this wouldn't be possible without our wonderful partners. Thank you for helping us spread holiday cheer this year!


Day Cares


Retirement Homes


Community Members, Partners, and Individuals

Countdown to Sign Up!

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

Join Us

Help us spread the holiday cheer this year!

Message Sent!

Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 24 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!